Lent Resources

This site provides free resources for personal and group use during Lent for those who want to respond not only to Jesus’ suffering and death, but also to the suffering and death of Mother Earth

These aids supplement Christians’ focus on Scripture and deepen awareness that the divine Mystery lives and acts within us and all creation. They include quotes from the liturgical readings relevant to the highlighted creation topic.


Three resources are available for Lent 2021

laudato.si’.reflection.resource – 16 sides — complete

This material focuses on Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical highlighting the unity of all creation, current threats to it, relevant Scripture, causes of the problems, and potential solutions. Participants will read and pray with quotes from the document, discuss them and take actions. It also includes suggestions for music and media.

creation.covenant.2021: Lenten Reflections on Integral Ecology – 14 sides — English – complete

This material focuses on the interconnection of all creation and importance of healthy ecosystems for the present and future wellbeing of all species, including human.

Lent.Air.2021– 16 sides – complete

This material focuses on the sacred gift of air, the divine Mystery living and acting within that gift, the current quality of air on planet Earth, and how we can respond in faith to this knowledge. 


Two resources are available for Lent 2022


This resource is intended to help individuals and groups deepen their appreciation of the precious and sacred gifts of fertile dirt, seeds, crops; trees, current threats to them; and how we can respond in faith. It includes suggestions for music and media.


Laudato Si’ focuses on Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical highlighting the unity of all creation, current threats to it, relevant Scripture, causes of the problems, and potential solutions. Participants will read and pray with quotes from the document, discuss them and take actions. It, also, includes suggestions for music and media.


Two resources are available for Lent 2023

Lent.I.Thirst.2023 – 12 sides — complete

 I Thirst: This material was created to help people deepen their reflections on Jesus’ “I Thirst” during Lent by appreciating God’s gift of water, the divine presence living and acting within it, current water conditions on Earth, and how we can respond in faith.

Tengo Sed  – 14 sides — Spanish edition of I Thirst


This material focuses on Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical highlighting the unity of all creation, current threats to it, relevant Scripture, causes of the problems, and potential solutions. Participants will read and pray with quotes from the document, discuss them and take actions. It, also, includes suggestions for music and media.


Unsolicited comments about these reflections:

See National Catholic Reporter’s EcoCatholic article about I Thirst: http://ncronline.org/node/71901.

Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, Rome: The SHCJ Sisters have excellent resources on Soil, Water, Air . . . .

Jim Schaal, Zygon Center for Religion and Science: This wonderful Lenten resource is thoughtfully conceived, helpfully organized, and attractively illustrated, and I am moved by the blending of Christian tradition, interfaith perspectives, and scientific content . . . .

Theresa Dabulis, Sisters of St. Casmir: [It] is absolutely beautiful, inspirational, practical, and a wonderful way to raise our own consciousness. As a community we are trying to get sisters involved in faith sharing groups, and this will be a wonderful tool.

Jim Konold: Thank you for adding new perspectives to my life and for how you amazingly were able to tie it all into our faith . . . .

Debbie Kern: . . . ultimately [I chose] this group because it’s not just about me. Rather, it’s about taking care of creation for future generations . . . I was in this group last Lent and just loved being with like-minded people who express their feelings . . . and what we can do to help our world . . . .