Archive | September 22, 2015

Laudato Si’ Reflection Resource is here!

Laudato Si’ Reflection Resource: On Care for Our Common Home is now available at:

Laudato Si’ 11:18

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Goals of Laudato Si’ Reflection Resource

Pope Francis writes: I would like to enter into dialog with all people about our common home. (par. 3) That dialog is one goal of Laudato Si’ Reflection Resource. Others include gathering for prayerful reflection on this document, and deepening our appreciation of integral ecology and our call to care for our common home.

Advantages of Laudato Si’ Reflection Resource

  • Reading, praying, and discussing quotes from the Encyclical together provide a powerful experience and motivate further study;
  • Devoting the first of five sessions to the encyclical’s Introduction establishes a solid foundation for accepting the full document;
  • Scripture excerpts are useful now or any time, including Lent;
  • Pertinent videos and hymns enrich the sessions;
  • Practical weekly action suggestions lead to lasting commitments;
  • Material is free and 5-sessions are manageable.

home-planet-earth-1-638Reactions to Laudato Si’ Reflection Resource

The enthusiasm of pilot participants convinced me to change this resource from being a Lent resource to one of use now or any time (though it can be useful for Lent).

Here is an unsolicited response to this resource from Loreta N. Castro, Executive Director of the Center for Peace Education and a Professor at Miriam College, Quezon City, Philippines:

I love both the content and process! I think it gives a great balance between knowing about Laudato Si  and its core messages and feeling the love, empathy and connectedness with Mother Earth. I also appreciated the last section on “Suggested Actions…” 

Continuity of Laudato Si’ Reflection Resource

For over ten years I have provided resources that integrate Scripture, Christian faith, and care of Earth in the setting of the Universe Story, our resulting interconnectedness, and their connections to poverty, peace and justice in our world imbued with divinity. Past programs have focused on Air, Water, Soil, Energy/Light, Peace, Species/Habitats, and Ecospirituality. Laudato Si’ Reflection was originally intended for Lent (and its Scripture excerpts are from Lent’s readings, so it will be useful then), but pilot groups proved that it is effective now.     Some of the pilot participants:

Gather a group — family, friends, students, parishioners, neighbors, whomever — and experience the inspiration and transformation that Pope Francis’ words can bring.